Line output box for many Hammond models. (Standard version)
Other OBL-2 versions available:
OBL-2-2 (For organs with separate reverb channel)
OBL-2-CM (Includes mute switch for Hammond consoles)
OBL-2-SL (Includes mute switch for single channel organs with built-in speakers)
The OBL-2 line output connector box is designed for use with most model Hammond organs, and allows them to be connected to an external amplification system via a 1/4" output jack. The unit has both an overall output and one that is low pass filtered. The low pass output provides a signal with the upper frequencies attenuated and is useful when using a bass amp to reinforce the organ low end. A level control is provided to allow the output signal to be adjusted to match the amplifier input requirements. For applications requiring a very low signal level, a jumper allows further attenuation of the output.
A, AB, AV, A-100, B, BA, BC, BCV, BV, B-2, B-3, C, CV, C-2, C-3, D, DV, D-100, E, E-100, F-100, G, GV, K-100, L-series, M-series, M-100, RT, RT-2, RT-3, R-100, S-series, S-100, and T-series.
Pre-amps in early console models (A, AB, AV, B, BA, BC, BCV, BV, C, CV, D, DV, G and RT) receive their DC operating voltage from the tone cabinet and will not produce an output if the tone cabinet is disconnected.
A-100, E-100, M-100, and S-100 organs have a separate reverb channel. A special version of the OBL-2 is available which allows a blend of both the main and reverb channel signals to be present at the output jack. (Available here)
E-100, F-100, K-100, L-series, M-series, M-100, R-100, S-series, S-100, T-series are single channel organs with built-in speakers. A special version of the OBL-2 is available which includes a mute switch to silence the organ's internal speaker. (Available here)